This Past weekend was the annual Rivalry game at Lavell Edwards stadium. What a great game it was!! It was a overtime win for the Cougars and a great game. It was Rilee's first BYU-Utah game and she was excited all week long! We had to pick her up from the Culleys where she had a fun sleepover the night before. It was funny to see the Culley kids all dresses up in their Utah gear (except Grace of course cause she is TRUE BLUE!!) and Rilee and Grace were sitting there in Cougar Blue!! We went to the stadium and Rilee was counting BYU and Utah flags all the way there and keeping a tally. (BYU won that too!!) At the game she was bugged by the Utah fan behind us and kept asking me to tell her to be quiet. She was really enjoying the atmosphere of the rivalry. After the overtime win she looked up at me and said "Dad lets rush down onto the field!" Even though we have upper bowl seats we made our way to the field and over the fence we went. She was jumping up and down and smiling from ear to ear. Then she got to touch Manase Tonga and a few other players and watched Max Hall get carried off the field. She still smiles about the experience when we talk about it today. Thanks Rilee for being my little BYU buddy and going to the games with me. I love You.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
BYU-Utah Game
Posted by powellpig2000 at 2:04 PM 3 comments
Friday, October 30, 2009
Halloween Parade 2009
Today was the Halloween parade at the kids school. I always enjoy going over to see the kids parade around in their costumes and see the other creative costumes that are always there. This year Rilee is the Headless Horseman. Ashlee is a Hipee. and Kyller is a Cowboy. Tonight is the anual Pickle Halloween party and the kids are pumped to go as always. I also enjoy this particular party because everyone dresses up and it is fun to see all the families in their costumes! Happy Halloween all!
Posted by powellpig2000 at 4:07 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Bronco Show
Yesterday me and Rilee went down to Ken Garff of Orem to watch the Bronco Mendenhall Radio Show. It was at our friend Brian's car dealership so we thought it would be fun to go see it and maybe get a autograph or two. Rilee and I entered some drawings and filled out a Ask the Coach question form. As the show started we listened in and on the first commercial break Rilee went up to Coach Mendenhall and got him to sign her jersey and my football!! She was way nervous at first but Bronco was very nice to her and she was beaming from ear to ear when she came back and sat down. That was worth the drive right there but then it got even better!!
About half way through the show the producer came over and asked Rilee if she would come up and ask Bronco her question live on the radio! She was happy to do it and was once again grinning from ear to ear! What else can I say but...
Posted by powellpig2000 at 12:42 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I'm Back!
Since may last post was months ago I figured I was due. We have been busy as usual. Lots of fun outings during the summer and now with football season in full swing we have been keeping busy with the cougars and I have been enjoying any and all games I can see! I have enjoyed going to the Y games this year with alot of different people and look forward to the rest of the season! Yesterday We had a Anderson Halloween party at our house because Dan and Chelsea are moving to
Little Rock, only for a year we hope, so we won't see them on Halloween and so we had a excuse to have a early party. The kids loved decorating cookies and carmel apples and dressing up in their costumes!
Posted by powellpig2000 at 12:39 PM 3 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Summer time!!
Summer is finally here! I have not been in the Blogging mood lately and since that is the case I have not been updating as often as I should. Here are some of the things we have been up to. I got to go with Rilee on her class field trip to This is the place monument.
We had allot of fun seeing how life was for the pioneers and enjoying a nice day outside. Both of the Girls are through with school for the year and Rilee will be 5th grader next year and Ashlee will be a 3rd grader!! Where does the time go?!?!? Kyller will be starting kindergarten next year and he is excited to go to the same school as the girls. We have been spending allot of time working in the yard and running between football and soccer games and practices. We get to host a wedding in our yard again this summer and are doing allot of cleaning up in the house for a possible move this summer.
And the biggest news has been Rilee having the h1n1 flu ( the Swine flu) and being quarantined for the past week. She is fine and definitely ready to get out of the house after being cooped up for a week! I guess that is all for now.
Posted by powellpig2000 at 12:55 PM 5 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Updates on the Pickles
We have been way busy and since my time has been limited I have failed to post about several important events that happened lately. The first was Ashlee's baptism. She was baptised before we went to Disneyland and I still haven't put up anything about it! I am so proud of her and her decision to get baptised. She looked so beautiful in her white dress and was happy that everyone came to see her on her special day. After a trial run by me she was able to be baptised and confirmed and is way happy to be a member of the church. She told me on several occasions that she was happy to have been baptised and felt like a new person. She is a sweetheart and I love her a ton!
Posted by powellpig2000 at 8:45 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Disneyland 2009
We made it back from Disneyland. We had a good time and had fantastic weather and plenty of Disney fun. All the kids enjoyed the Rides, the Shows, the treats, the hotel, and the sights. There was some whining and some
complaining (Yes some by me too) but all in all a good trip. I must say that I am
Disneyed out and as Dan put it I have lost some faith in humanity after seeing all the weird people there! It was fun for Kyller to see all the stuff and he surprisingly liked the rides! Rilee
got to fight Darth Maul in Jedi training and Ashlee
just loved the Matterhorn!
We did a ton of walking and I had the worst $10 cheeseburger in the world!
That is one of my big gripes about the place is the cost of, and lack of quality in the food! We did the planning program that Steph
suggested and that helped allot with the lines for the rides and had some good tips. Hope you enjoy the pics.
Posted by powellpig2000 at 12:49 PM 10 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Happiest place on Earth!
Posted by powellpig2000 at 9:13 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Just once!!!
Posted by powellpig2000 at 7:47 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Who reads this crap anyways?
I was wondering why I do this blog. If anyone reads this please let me know by either a post or clicking on the I Follow this blog. If I don't get any comments I will quit wasting my time!
-Sorry this seemed a little grumpy I must have been honery. Thanks for the comments I will keep it going I was just curious if it is getting read!
Posted by powellpig2000 at 3:45 PM 11 comments
Meet Fluffy
Posted by powellpig2000 at 10:50 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Scrapbooking anyone?
This past weekend we sold some stuff at the scrapbook expo. I have never experienced such a crazy and strange event in my life. There were all types of crazy and sane women there trying to get a good deal on scrapbook supplies. I have never seen such madness for rub ons and paper! Some of these women are down right nuts! When the sales were announced the madness ensued! It was a ton of work and Beck, Mike and Steph worked their guts out and I must say thanks because I am beat after the 2 days I put in, and I am sure they are worse off than I. Hopefully it was all worth it and we will be tired from carrying all that extra cash around!
Posted by powellpig2000 at 3:33 PM 2 comments
Is it Spring yet?
I don't know about anyone else but I am ready for spring! I can't stand the teasing of 70 degrees one day and snow the next! If it snows once more I might flip out. Here's to a long and warm summer!!!
Posted by powellpig2000 at 3:31 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Poor Harley
He is supposed to wear this dumb collar to keep him from biting at them but he won't wear it. That's ok though cause he hasn't bothered them, so I put it to use to keep myself from biting.
Posted by powellpig2000 at 4:55 PM 6 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
Tagged by Tara
My 8 Favorite TV Shows
1-The Office
3-ESPN College game day (football)
4-Any football game
5-Rob and Big
7-The Dog Whisperer
8-King of Queens
8 things I did Yesterday
1- Went to church
2-Fed Harley and Buckley
3- Watched Nascar
4- Ate dinner at the Andersons
5- Held Logan
6-Watched the Jazz
7-Taught the lesson at church
8- Got I love you dad notes from all the kids!
8 things I look forward to
1- Seeing my family
2- going on vacations
3-going golfing
4-Football season
5- Summer
6-Going out with Beck
8-being thin again
8 Favorite Restaurants
1- Chick-fil-A (duh)
2-Red Lobster
3-Cafe Rio
4- Tepinaki
6- Texas Roadhouse
7- Francesco's pizza
8-Rodizio Grill
8 things on my wish list
1- Better season tickets to BYU
3- Beck to see Oprah
5-loose 60 lbs
6-See U2 and Guns and Roses in concert this summer
7-a better golf game
8-a Happy and Healthy family!!
8 people I tag
I really don't think 8 people read this so if you want to you are tagged!
Posted by powellpig2000 at 8:52 AM 3 comments
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Its a Boy!!
Posted by powellpig2000 at 3:04 PM 4 comments
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Seminar 09
Posted by powellpig2000 at 11:17 AM 5 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
Happy Birthday Ashlee!!

Here are 8 things I love about Ashlee my 8 year old:
1- She gives the best Squeezers (hugs) in the world!
2-She has a adorable smile!
3-She has her mom's beautiful green eyes!

4-She loves to go swimming and if we looked hard enough may have gills.

5-She loves to write me a I love dad note daily! I love them all.
6- She loves her dog and will take care of it most of the time cause we all know I don't love that thing!
7- She loves to dress up and dance around and pose for pictures!

8- She is my favorite 8 year old in the whole world!!!!

Posted by powellpig2000 at 11:27 AM 5 comments