Thursday, August 28, 2008


This morning Beck told me that she had a dream that I bought her a BMX bike and made her learn how to bicycle boogie with me. We were Doing tricks all over the neighborhood and she was really upset with me. This was a nightmare for her because she hates the idea of anything from the movie RAD. I love the movie and when we got married I rented it and we watched it together and she said it was a waste of 2 hours. I Found this story quite amusing and actually am thinking about buying her a bike just for fun. Anyone want to chip in for the joke?

Friday, August 22, 2008

Monster Bus for 3 Little Monsters

The other day Becky, Isaiah and I went over to Jordan Landing and at Sears Grand there was this monster truck school bus. There was a sign saying monster bus rides but it was closed. Later that day the kids wanted to do something fun so we went over there to check it out. The guy was charging five bucks a ride and so I figured what the heck. The kids had a ball and I liked it to. White Trash, Redneck.....Maybe but how often do get to ride in a monster truck? Also it made me feel better about my truck and its 9 miles to the gallon.....This thing gets 1/2 mile to the gallon. How would you like to fill that at four bucks a gallon!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Its a cup of Dirt!!

Last night we went to see Brian Regan the comedian at Thanksgiving point. If you ever get the chance to see him I would highly recommend it! This is our second time seeing him and we all had a sore stomach from laughing hysterically for a hour straight!! He is way funny and he is not obscene in any way and not even a cuss word the whole show! If you haven't heard him google him or check him out on you tube. We also have some dvd's if you want to borrow them. If you haven't been to the Thanksgiving point gardens you need to check them out to. What a great venue!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Goodbye Boots and Jugs

Well in case you haven't heard I sold the boat last week. It was a day of mixed emotions for me. I was glad to sell it because we have outgrown it and I have had quite a bit of trouble with it lately. But I was sad to sell it because I loved skiing behind it and taking the kids out on it. I hope to get another boat that will suit the family better. The kicker for me to sell it was the last trip to Lake Powell when I just about sunk the boat on the trip back to the marina! I think the next boat will be the same style just bigger and more family oriented instead of a one purpose ski boat. It was fun to have but also good to get rid of!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Four Old Friends

Brad and Merilee blessed their new baby boy Brigg on Sunday. It was a great occasion for them and we were lucky to go and see the event. It was good to get to see my old friends all together I don't think we have all seen each other at the same time for several years. Everyone was doing well. Brad has one child, Justin has 2 little girls and Jon has 6 under the age of 9 and one on the way!!! He hasn't figured out what causes that I'll have to let him in on the secret. It was also good to see brad's parents and just catch up on old times.